Saturday, August 3, 2013


I finished my dinner when Harry's phone rang. He was in the shower at the moment, and I bit my lip. There were no secrets between Harry and I, but it was his business who called him.

Wasn't it?

That's when I saw caller ID. It was a picture of a blond girl with Harry and they were smiling together. This girl was so much prettier than I would like for her picture to pop up on my boyfriend's phone. The name above her picture was this:

Emily Kitten <3

I stared blankly at his phone. That was my nickname from Harry. Not some girl.

Harry told me he loved me. That he cared about me. Who was Emily and what was she doing on Harry's phone? I threw the rest of my dinner in the sink in anger. He was cheating on me. Harry was cheating on me!

My breath started to become really uneven. I felt tears prick in my eyes as I slid down the wall, breaking out in tears right there on the floor. I pulled my knees to my face and cried into my hands. My heart was breaking harder and harder.

"Babe?" Harry's voice said, startling me. I looked up, getting up from the floor.

"Babe, what happened?" he asked, trying to hug me. Concern was written all over his face.

Yeah, right.

"Emily happened." At that moment everything froze. He was suddenly very angry.

"Macey you were looking at my phone?!" he yelled. Why was he yelling at me?

"There's a thing called caller ID! I should've known this would've happened sooner or later!" I yelled back, tears streaming down my face.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" he fired back defensively.

"You're one of the most famous people in the world right now! You go on world tours! You go to nightclubs and drink yourself blind! You find girls smarter and nicer and prettier and than me, and go with them behind my back! You think I don't know about this? I've seen twitter! Facebook! Instagram! Tumblr! T.V.! Magazines! I didn't believe them because I thought you loved me! I thought you cared!" I screamed. It was silent after that, besides our heavy breathing from yelling. Harry's face was unreadable. Was he surprised? Angry? I couldn't tell.

"I guess not." I choked out the last few words before the tears hit again. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

It was pouring rain outside, and when I realized I had locked my keys in my car, it was officially the worst day of my life.

**Four years later**

I found out I was preggers two weeks after Harry and I's fight. I was having identical twin girls, and their turning four in a few days.

You would think I named at least one of them Darcy. I didn't. I named one Arielle which means "Air spirit" in Hebrew and the other Canelle, which is French for "Cinnamon". I love my girls, I'm 28 now.

I was at the park the other day, when I realized it was the park that I met Harry at.


I was, kinda in the tree reading my favorite book. I like climbing trees, okay? Anyways, all of the sudden, the tree started shaking and I, uh, fell on him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? That must of really hurt. I'm so sorry-" I stopped talking for a second to look into his eyes and realized that he was the most attractive boys I've ever seen.

"Hi," I breathed, taking in his scent. He seemed equally as mesmerized.

"Hi," he said. All of the sudden we started laughing and I got off him, and it kinda was history from there.


"Mommy?" Arielle said. I bent down and looked at her.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Where's my daddy?" she asked. I was taken aback.

"He's, um... " That's when I saw him. He was standing there, innocently, staring at my girls and I. I took off my sunglasses and stared back. He was here? But why?

"Right over there." Arielle turned in my direction and burst into a smile. She suddenly ran towards him, and Canelle, being her twin sister, did the same.

Harry was surprised at first, then hugged them with all his heart. I could tell. I slowly walked towards them.

"What's your name, girly?" he asked one of them.

"Arielle." she giggled.

"And yours?" he asked the other.

"Canelle!" she said happily. He looked at me, pulling his sunglasses down.

"What about yours?" he asked me. Puh. Lease.

"I think you already know, Styles." I said.

"Hi Macey." I sighed.

"Hi Harry." We stood in silence. Harry barely looked any different than he did four years ago. My chocolate brown hair was longer and darker and pulled up in a pony tail.

"Their mine, aren't they?" he suddenly asked. I nodded.

"I found out two weeks later after the fight." I answered him. He looked me in my blue eyes and set down my girls-no, our girls-and cupped my face with his hand, kissing me. I immediately kissed back, and he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gladly accepted, and let his tongue slide into my mouth. Our tongues danced together, and after making out some more, I decided it was the most passionate kiss we've ever shared.

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhh!!" Canelle squeaked.

"EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!" Arielle screamed. We pulled back, laughing.

"I'm sorry, Macey. Breaking up with you was the worst mistake I've ever made. Please take me back. I miss you." I sighed. What was I supposed to do?

"Harry, I love you too much to say no. These girls need a daddy, and I can't do this by myself. But it doesn't mean I forgive you all at once. Piece by piece, little by little, and never hurt me like that again," I said. He smiled, kissing each of our girls on the forehead.

"I'll never hurt you again on one condition."

"Whats that?"

"If you marry me."

"I'll marry you on one condition."

"And that is?"

"If you never hurt me again."


  1. I love it thank you for doing one for me!-Macey

  2. Wow Millie. You are one of the most talented writers I know. And if you don't become famous from singing I am sure you will become famous from writing. I will miss you BFF. I can't wait till I see you again. I will miss you and I will seeyou at Christmas unless we come and see you in Thanksgiving. Bye! I will miss you. I am sorry I wasn't able to stay the whole night for the sleepover but my stomach hurt so badly. I will email you my phone number and I know that I can turn to you for anything. Have a nice flight! <3 Bye!
