Friday, August 9, 2013

Dear One Direction,

     Sometimes, I daydream about meeting you and dating you. Its a wish, really. I know that that'll never happen, deep inside me. I wish that because you're such an inspiration. You're so amazing, and truth is, you're the thing that puts the smile on my face, and that makes me roll on the floor with laughter when I feel like nothing is right in my life. You have dreams, like everybody else in this world. I understand you're not perfect. You make mistakes, and you strengths and weaknesses. Like me. Like everybody.

     You've taught me to never give on my dreams, even if you fail the first time. Its okay to be shy sometimes, and to act like a kid sometimes. But that doesn't mean you're immature. It means that you're making the best of your life, and you're treasuring being a kid before you get too old. You should never let people get in the way with what you want to do with your life and who you want to be. You know who you are, and a lot of people don't. You made so many people proud and you put millions of smiles on millions of girls. You stopped scars on arms. And spread laughter and tears, I mean, look at me. In 2043 I'm still going to be crying over Don't Let Me Go. But I won't be the only one. I'll have a family, and I'll "move on" from boybands. But I'll never really move on. Its always there. Fandom never really dies. We never really forget.

The Real Christina Baker

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