Friday, August 9, 2013

Wild Ones (A Harry Styles Love Story) Chapter Three


Before I start this chapter I wanted to say sorry the last one was so short, I was being a lazy bum so this one will totally be longer. Thanks you my beautiful readers!

Chapter Three

     "Harry Styles." His husky breath tickled my ear. I stared into his beautiful green eyes-WAIT WAIT WAIT PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     "Harry Styles." PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     "Harry Styles." PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     "Harry Styles." PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     Beautiful green eyes?
     No. No way am I stupid enough to fall for this boy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.
     And he walked away. Just like that. Gone.
     You probably expect me to go after him and say all the stupid crap I'm supposed to say. But I just stood there, dumbstruck, starstruck, like I just got hit by a truck- that stupid idiot. He made me rhyme. Twice. Twice.
     I stared at his back, trying to move, but I stood there frozen like an ice sculpture, frozen but melting slowly. And by the time I snapped back into reality, I picked up my books and shoved them in my bag. I Pushed my hair into a ponytail, walking home cautiously, not stepping on any cracks.
     "Hey girl. How was the park?" Dallas asked me once I got home. I looked up at him, putting on a smile.
     "Fine, fine," I answered. But I wasn't fine.
     I texted Niall.
     A: I have something to tell you
     N: What is it?
     A: I met Harry...
     N: And...
     A: He... Um...
     N: Spit it out, Ella!
     A: He kind of caught me studying.
     N: Oh. My. God.
     A: Yeah I know.
     N: At least he didn't catch you in your glasses.
     A: Are you saying I look bad in my glasses?
     N: NO! I'm just saying that is he caught you in glasses and studying things wouldn't end well.
     A: Yeah, whatever. I do look pretty dorky in my glasses. But what if he tells someone? My stupid life will be over. Over. O. V. E. R.
     N: Okay, lets think about this. If he tells someone it will spread across the school. you'll be called a nerd and kicked out of the popular club and probably quit the cheer team because of your embarrassment and move to Canada and fake your own death. You'll dye your hair and eyebrows purple and tend a your own funeral as a punk girl named Candace saying you were your second cousin-to-be. Then you'll become an electrician and marry a plumber named Jerry and have twin girls named Mandy and Sandy.
     A: Way to boost my confidence, bro.
     N: Sorry. Wandering mind, you see.
     A: Mm. What do I do?
     N: What can you do?
     A: Oh my god. PLAN PLAN PLAN PLAN PLAN.
     A: I'm feeling devious and mysterious today. You'll see.
     N: I hate you.
     A: I love you too. Gotta go. I need to plan my incredibly master plan.
     I turned off my phone and threw it to the side. There had to be no distractions while I was forming a plan. None whatsoever. I got out a pencil and paper, drawing and planning until I felt like a rock, just sitting there at my desk, staring at my most master plan yet.
     I brushed my teeth, putting in my over-night headgear with difficulty and putting my hair up in a bun. I changed into sweatpants and an old t-shirt and took out my contacts, washing my face and climbing into bed. I rested my head on my pillows, feeling proud and happy with myself.
     Harry will never see it coming.

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