Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wild Ones (Harry Styles Love Story) Chapter One

Chapter One

What Ariella looks like:               

     I walked into my school, and everyone moved to form a path for my friends and I. Lets just say they were slightly bowing. The entire hall went silent as we walked in. Even the jocks stopped throwing the football, the nerds looked up from their books, and people stopped making out to get a closer look at us.
     We were, the populars. The boy magnets. The cheerleaders. The rich ones. The girls every high school has that everyone was afraid of.
     My name is Ariella Thompson. And what can I say? I was the leader.
     We walked down the hall, my five besties following behind me. There was Carla and Darla Braden, Jodie Hoppe, Harper Farmer, and Ainsley Diemer. We made our way to our lockers which were arranged next to each other, and everyone soon went back to doing what they were doing before the most popular girls in the school walked in. My boyfriend, Noah, walked up to me from behind, sliding his arms around my waist.
     "Hello Beautiful," he murmured in my ear. I smiled, butterflies in my stomach. I turned so I was facing him pulling him in for a kiss. Noah was the head of the football team, and soccer team, and baseball team, and so on. He was like addicted to sports.
     The bell interrupted our kiss. "Later babe," I said, pecking his lips one last time before going to class. Every guy there was staring at me as usual, and Mr. Braden walked in, droning on and on about algebra and I was beyond bored since I secretly knew everything he was talking about. I was probably smarter than the whole nerd population in this school, but I had to pretend that I was dumb for my reputation. So, yeah. Carla and Darla were probably the least smartest kids in the school, but they only got good grades because their dad was the teacher.
     When class was finally over, my best guy friend Niall walked up to me in the hallway.
     "Hey, Ella. Can I have your-"
     "No Niall you can not have my lunch," I said laughing. I knew Niall since kindergarten, and he has been one of my best friends ever since. He pouted, sticking his bottom lip out, begging me. You know me better than this, Niall. I never fall for the puppy face. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, going to my locker.
     "Whatever. I can buy my own lunch," he said being sassy. I rolled my eyes again.
     "Whatever you say, Nialler. Whatever you say."
     "So. Have you met Harry? The new kid?" he asked. I put my book into my locker and got out my Spanish to English dictionary.
     "Nope. Have you?"
     "Yeah. He's... I don't know," he said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. I sensed the tension in the air hanging between us.
     I raised an eyebrow. "Ooh, bad sign." I leaned against my locker. "What happened?"
     I saw the anger build up in his face. "He's a complete a**! He comes here and acts like he knows everything and like he owns the place!" he yelled. I grabbed his shoulders, trying to get him to calm down. Niall had a short temper, and that wasn't helping right now.
     "Chillax, Niall. Just calm down, lets talk about this. He can't be that bad. I mean, do you know anything about him?" I asked him. Niall's face went blank, and I knew that he didn't. "Maybe you should get to know him better before you judge him," I said. He sighed.
     "You're so good at giving advice, Ella. You're basically telling me to stalk him."
     "I am not."
     "Are too."
     "Am not."
     "Are too."
     "Dammit," I mumbled. I never win a fight with Niall. Oh well.
     I was zoning out in gym when I thought of something.
     But will I ever meet this Harry kid?
     But, more importantly, will he be like Niall said he is?

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