Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dear Niall Horan,

     Let me just say people like you are some of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Some people can say to me, "You're the worst person ever." ok. "You deserve to die." ok. "Everybody hates you." ok. "Niall Horan is ugly." YOU BETTER RUN. I still sometimes look in the mirror and realize how disgusted I am with myself. How maybe I deserve the bad things that have happened to me. You shouldn't feel that. Please don't feel that. To some girls you don't matter at all(and that's bull, by the way). But to me? You're my whole world. I know you don't know I exist. I know I'll probably never meet you. But, despite those things, you're always there for me. People don't understand how much you and boys mean to me. They think I'm childish and immature because of that. But I stand my ground. I'm proud to be a Niall girl. Proud. You don't deserve anything those heartless girls to you. Without you, there is no One Direction. Period. Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn, and millions of girls all love you to pieces. Including me. I know you said you would date a fan if the right one comes around. But... would you really? I get my hopes up, but then I look in the mirror and ask myself, what he see in me? I'm just another fan.
