Saturday, August 10, 2013

Niall Horan Imagine for Macey

I walked into cheerleading practice in my blue and white uniform. The skirt was a little short for my liking, but you know. Don't want to get kicked off the squad.

The football team was practicing nearby. I looked over at Niall Horan, the head of the team. He's been my crush since grade school.

"Willington! Front and center!" Coach yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tore my gaze away from Niall, looking so hot in that sweaty uniform... like OH. MY. GOD. He looked so sexy in that uniform, sticking to his perfect muscles... I can literally feel myself drooling.

I walked over to the squad and set my bag down, preparing to do the lift and the jump. Once I was in the air, I realized the girls weren't there to catch me.

But I still fell into two strong arms, holding me bridal style. And as soon as I looked into those sparkling blue eyes behind the helmet, I knew, right there, that I was falling hard for Niall.

"Hi, Macey," he said smiling, that smile that got me every time. I loved it when he said my name, and his Irish accent sent butterflies in my stomach like a bomb.

"Hi Niall," I breathed in amazement. He was so breathtaking, and up close, I felt like I was going to explode into a million pieces. He put me down on my feet, and pulled me closer to him. His arms were wrapped around my waist. I pulled my arms around his neck as he slowly leant forward, washing away all the worries as his soft lips brushed mine. I never wanted this moment to end.

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