Saturday, August 3, 2013

One In A Million Prologue


     Mermaids. We're not what you think we are. We aren't sweet, and loveable, and beautiful. We're evil, magical, betraying liars. Period.
     Humans see mermaids as people who help you. You may be thinking we are helping you, but the truth is, we are leading you to your death, and you'll never see the light of day again. Ever. Us mermaids like to kill humans. We don't like humans.
     Why? Well, this is what happened...
     Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away- just kidding.
     Legend says, a little girl at the age of ten discovered a mermaid with a broken tail lying on a abandoned beach. She helped the mermaid with her tail, and the mermaid told the girl not to tell anyone. And guess what the girl did? She told everyone. Nobody believed her, of course. She told her father, and he just wanted to make her feel better, so they went mermaid-fishing. Pretty stupid, huh?
     They actually caught a mermaid, believe it or not. They put her into testing. Well, since not all humans are good people, word spread about mermaids. Everyone in the history of the world wasn't supposed to know about them.
     "What?" you're probably asking, "But I thought Disney-" No. Don't even go there.

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