Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I changed my wallpaper!! Yay!! Soz if you liked the other one, but I was getting SOOOO sick of it. Since I'm moving to New York, my old house had a gas stove with any memories(Like the time I nearly light the entire room on fire by trying to make grits, how my stepdad nearly set the whole HOUSE on fire cause he forgot to turn off the burner, etc) and I wanted to have a little piece of my old house that I loved so much and I didn't want to forget all the times we had. My gas stove was my best friend :) Jeez I'm gonna start crying ;( This is the saddest thing I've ever posted


  1. I love your new wallpaper. If I had a headache, I'd pull up this wallpaper and instantly feel better!
