Monday, July 29, 2013

I Hate The Way I Love You Chapter 1

Name: Haley True Potter
House: (you'll see)
Blood: Pureblood
Parents: Lily Potter and James Potter
Siblings: Harry Potter
Personality: Funny and really kind. Has a good temper and is patient. She can be a hard to handle sometimes because of her insecurity and shyness. She loves to laugh and inspire. Many people look up to her and see her as someone who is going to get somewhere. Has a dream of being a singer, but she never tells anyone because she doesn't want to be judged. She's the type of person everybody loves. It's hard not to love her, but she has many secrets. She hates seeing people fight or people cry. When someone cries, she cries too. Haley also has a soft spot for animals.
Appearance: Soft blond hair and nobody knows why its blond, stone grey eyes that aren't her mothers or her fathers, their just hers, like the hair. She doesn't think of herself as pretty or beautiful, even though she really is. Has a scar on her left shoulder.
Love interest: Draco Malfoy (duh duh duh duuuuuuuuhhhhhhh) 

Chapter 1

     "Potter, Haley," Professor McGonagal said. My name echoed across the halls; there was no sound. No one moved. No one spoke. No one even breathed. I felt like a freak or someone from another planet. Every pair of eyes in the Great Hall was on me.  
     The professor placed the hat on my head stiffly. I gripped the edges of the wooden stool until I realized my knuckles had turned white.
     "I knew I would be getting you soon, Miss Potter," the hat said. I bit my lip.
     Still feeling like a freak.
     "Well, if it helps, we're all freaks in some way," the hat whispered quietly so nobody could hear but me. I guess that did help. "Hm. She's a tough one. A strong mind, I see, and bravery. Yes, lots of it. And I see pride... you're cunning, yes, very cunning... But where to put you? Hm... Has to be... SLYTHERIN!!!" the hat yelled. The Slytherin table burst in applause, and everybody there stood up, clapping and cheering.  I walked over to the table cautiously, because the people I met on the train didn't seem to like this house. What was wrong with me?
     I sat down next to a girl with dark blond hair and hazel eyes. She smiled at me, and I gave her a small smile back.
     "Hi. I'm Jennie Presley," she said, shaking my hand.
     "You're in first year?" she asked. I nodded. She said she was too. This was a fairly nice girl.
     Harry was next. He almost got sorted into Slytherin, and I flipped out when he got Gryffindor. Flipped. Out.
     I caught his eye right before he sat at the table. His eyes said everything. Everything. He was surprised. And scared. And confused. And upset. And I felt the same way.


I shared a room with Jennie, Rebecca Laurence, and Abby Smith. They were very nice girls from what I heard about Slytherins. But, then again, they're the only people in Slytherin that I've really talked to.
     I was lying on my bed in my dorm. I stared blankly at the dark ceiling. I checked my watch, it was 12:30. I tried sleeping, but I wasn't used to this bed, and everything seemed to be so complicated. I was so bored I was ready to kill myself, so I grabbed my favorite book called Romeo and Juliet and walked downstairs to the common room, getting lost a few times.
     I sat down on the loveseat, and read my book until I felt like my eyes were bleeding. I check my watch again and it was almost three in the morning. I groaned, throwing the book aside and rubbing my face. I decided to do some gymnastics.
     Although I lived with my cruel aunt and uncle, Dudley had a thing for me.  I know. Gross. But because of that, they didn't treat me the way they treated Harry. They treated me like a daughter. The good things that happened to Harry only happened because I talked to them. Whenever something weird happened around me they would either blame it of fate, their losing their minds, or that Harry did it. But I always said I did it and stood up for him so he didn't get a punishment he didn't deserve. I took gymnastics for as long as I could remember, and I love it.
     I  stretched and did a back hand spring and a back walkover. Then I did a cartwheel, a 1 hand cartwheel, then a no-hand cartwheel. I guess you could say I was showing off but I was really bored and I wasn't tired. Then I did a back flip and a standing back handspring, then I did split pushups which are very hard.
     "Wow. You really know how to move." A voice behind me said. I got up and turned around to see...

Hahaha! Cliffhanger! Sorry, you're probs ready to kill me. Next cha;pter will be up today! :)\

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