Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I Hate The Way I Love You Chapter 2

Chapter 2

     "Wow. You really know how to move." A voice behind me said. I turned around to see a boy with platinum-blond hair that looked my age. I did a bridge.
     "Thanks," I said, upside down. I walked over to him on my hands and stood back up the right way once I was in front of him.
     "I'm Haley," I said, doing two backhand springs in a row.
     "I know. I'm Draco," he said. I did a handstand.
     "So, Draco. Are you going to tell me why you're down here at this hour or are you just going to stare at my flexibility?" He blushed. It was cute.
     "Well, I, couldn't sleep on the first night here because its a different bed, so I decided to come down here and I saw you." I did a split. "So, Haley, what are you doing down here at this hour?"
     "Same answer as yours. I couldn't sleep, I was bored out of my mind so I just came down here," I said. He sat on the couch. I did a back walkover, and I was tired of doing gymnastics after that, so I sat back down on the loveseat.
     Draco was pretty cool. He had so much in common with me it was like he was my long lost brother or something. But something about him just made me feel so... happy. I was just so happy around him, for no particular reason. Well, no reason that I knew yet.


I went to bed around five in the morning. I was just really happy after that, but not hyper. Just happy. I felt like I could do anything.
     I got two hours of sleep. Its not that bad, I usually don't get any sleep back home.
     Once I woke up at 7:20, and since classes start at 9:00, I took a shower and washed my hair with my strawberry-scented shampoo and conditioned my hair until it was as smooth as a river. I got out of the shower and put on my Slytherin robes. It was now 8:00, and everybody seemed to be getting up. I put on my white flats and my green backpack with everything I needed in it. I put my hair up in a ponytail and walked downstairs. I went into the Great Hall and hardly anybody was there. But my brother was.
     I walked over to him and sat across from him at the Gryffindor table. "Hey," I said. He looked at me from his plate.
     "Hey." He smiled, and I smiled back.
     "This is... pretty crazy, isn't it?" He nodded, agreeing.
     "How'd you sleep?" I asked.
     "Pretty good, you? I know you usually can't sleep in a different bed." he said.
     "Yeah, I know. I got two hours, but its not the worst, right?" Then, a red headed boy appeared behind Harry.
     "Um. You're, uh.. Haley, right?" he stuttered. I nodded. "What are you doing here?" Well, excuuuuuuuuuse me.
     "Um, talking to my brother?" It seemed more like a question than a statement, but wasn't it obvious?
     "Well, can you leave?" I raised an eyebrow. My brother may be more famous me, but people can't talk to me like that.
     "I can. I just choose not to," I said cheekily. Harry chuckled. The redhead rolled his eyes.
     "No wonder you're in Slytherin," I heard him mutter. I sighed.
     "You know what, Red? Fine. I'll leave. Clearly, I'm not welcome here," I said standing up. "I'll talk to you later Harry." I got up and walked out of the Great Hall.

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