Thursday, August 29, 2013


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Louis Tomlinson for Alison

A/N I hope you like it :)

Me and Louis were in the library. I wanted to study for your exams because I was only 18 and still in high school. Louis was talking really loudly which he wasn't supposed to because he was bored. After getting many annoyed stares and the librarian told him to be quiet, I told him to shut up.
"No, Alison!" he stood up on a chair. "I will not take my pants off!" I wanted to smack him.
"Will you shut up?" some lady told us.
"I'm so sorry, ma'am. My boyfriend will not be quiet," I said apologetically. She rolled her eyes, then returned to her book. The librarian walked over to us, making me nervous.
"I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to ask you to leave," she said, obviously annoyed with us. Now I wanted to really smack Louis. Being the sassy prick he sometimes is, he walked over to her and rolled his head in a circular motion.
"Do you know who I am?" I face palmed myself.
"Louis William Tomlinson lets go." I grabbed his wrist and literally dragged him out of the library. Once we were outside. I faced him, then hit his shoulder has hard as I could(which wasn't that hard).
"Ow! What was that for?!" he questioned me. I sighed, frustrated.
"You just got us kicked out of the library!" I argued at him. Louis pulled the puppy dog face, knowing I couldn't be mad at him for long.
"I'm sowwy," he said, sticking out his bottom lip. I couldn't resist it. I stood on my tippy-toes and kissed his soft lips. The things Louis can make me do. Ridiculous.
"What am I going to do with you?" I asked him as he intertwined our fingers and we started walking back to my house.
"Well, you're stuck with me, if you like it or not," he said. I smiled.
"I love you, Lou," I said, pulling him closer to me.
He wrapped his arms around me waist as I wrapped my arms around his neck. We put our foreheads together.
"I love you more, Alison."

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Saturday, August 24, 2013

I'm thinking of writing a sequel to Nothing Like My Family from Corey's daughter's Carly's perspective as she falls in love with a muggle. I'll probably call it Different From The Rest... or is that too cheesy? Let me know what you guys think. If you haven't read Nothing Like My Family, check it out! It was actually my very first post.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Dear Niall Horan,

     Let me just say people like you are some of the greatest things that ever happened to me. Some people can say to me, "You're the worst person ever." ok. "You deserve to die." ok. "Everybody hates you." ok. "Niall Horan is ugly." YOU BETTER RUN. I still sometimes look in the mirror and realize how disgusted I am with myself. How maybe I deserve the bad things that have happened to me. You shouldn't feel that. Please don't feel that. To some girls you don't matter at all(and that's bull, by the way). But to me? You're my whole world. I know you don't know I exist. I know I'll probably never meet you. But, despite those things, you're always there for me. People don't understand how much you and boys mean to me. They think I'm childish and immature because of that. But I stand my ground. I'm proud to be a Niall girl. Proud. You don't deserve anything those heartless girls to you. Without you, there is no One Direction. Period. Louis, Liam, Harry, Zayn, and millions of girls all love you to pieces. Including me. I know you said you would date a fan if the right one comes around. But... would you really? I get my hopes up, but then I look in the mirror and ask myself, what he see in me? I'm just another fan.


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Niall Horan Imagine for Macey

I walked into cheerleading practice in my blue and white uniform. The skirt was a little short for my liking, but you know. Don't want to get kicked off the squad.

The football team was practicing nearby. I looked over at Niall Horan, the head of the team. He's been my crush since grade school.

"Willington! Front and center!" Coach yelled, snapping me out of my thoughts. I tore my gaze away from Niall, looking so hot in that sweaty uniform... like OH. MY. GOD. He looked so sexy in that uniform, sticking to his perfect muscles... I can literally feel myself drooling.

I walked over to the squad and set my bag down, preparing to do the lift and the jump. Once I was in the air, I realized the girls weren't there to catch me.

But I still fell into two strong arms, holding me bridal style. And as soon as I looked into those sparkling blue eyes behind the helmet, I knew, right there, that I was falling hard for Niall.

"Hi, Macey," he said smiling, that smile that got me every time. I loved it when he said my name, and his Irish accent sent butterflies in my stomach like a bomb.

"Hi Niall," I breathed in amazement. He was so breathtaking, and up close, I felt like I was going to explode into a million pieces. He put me down on my feet, and pulled me closer to him. His arms were wrapped around my waist. I pulled my arms around his neck as he slowly leant forward, washing away all the worries as his soft lips brushed mine. I never wanted this moment to end.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dear One Direction,

     Sometimes, I daydream about meeting you and dating you. Its a wish, really. I know that that'll never happen, deep inside me. I wish that because you're such an inspiration. You're so amazing, and truth is, you're the thing that puts the smile on my face, and that makes me roll on the floor with laughter when I feel like nothing is right in my life. You have dreams, like everybody else in this world. I understand you're not perfect. You make mistakes, and you strengths and weaknesses. Like me. Like everybody.

     You've taught me to never give on my dreams, even if you fail the first time. Its okay to be shy sometimes, and to act like a kid sometimes. But that doesn't mean you're immature. It means that you're making the best of your life, and you're treasuring being a kid before you get too old. You should never let people get in the way with what you want to do with your life and who you want to be. You know who you are, and a lot of people don't. You made so many people proud and you put millions of smiles on millions of girls. You stopped scars on arms. And spread laughter and tears, I mean, look at me. In 2043 I'm still going to be crying over Don't Let Me Go. But I won't be the only one. I'll have a family, and I'll "move on" from boybands. But I'll never really move on. Its always there. Fandom never really dies. We never really forget.

The Real Christina Baker


Okay I lied. Chapter Three of Wild Ones(Harry Styles Love Story) wasn't that long. Well, fine. Wasn't long at all.

I'm sorry! I'm a stupid idiot, I'll sit my ass down in front of this computer and write the damn fourth chapter until my freaking fingers bleed.

Sorry you guys!


Wild Ones (A Harry Styles Love Story) Chapter Three


Before I start this chapter I wanted to say sorry the last one was so short, I was being a lazy bum so this one will totally be longer. Thanks you my beautiful readers!

Chapter Three

     "Harry Styles." His husky breath tickled my ear. I stared into his beautiful green eyes-WAIT WAIT WAIT PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     "Harry Styles." PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     "Harry Styles." PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     "Harry Styles." PAUSE. REWIND. PLAY.
     Beautiful green eyes?
     No. No way am I stupid enough to fall for this boy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA no.
     And he walked away. Just like that. Gone.
     You probably expect me to go after him and say all the stupid crap I'm supposed to say. But I just stood there, dumbstruck, starstruck, like I just got hit by a truck- that stupid idiot. He made me rhyme. Twice. Twice.
     I stared at his back, trying to move, but I stood there frozen like an ice sculpture, frozen but melting slowly. And by the time I snapped back into reality, I picked up my books and shoved them in my bag. I Pushed my hair into a ponytail, walking home cautiously, not stepping on any cracks.
     "Hey girl. How was the park?" Dallas asked me once I got home. I looked up at him, putting on a smile.
     "Fine, fine," I answered. But I wasn't fine.
     I texted Niall.
     A: I have something to tell you
     N: What is it?
     A: I met Harry...
     N: And...
     A: He... Um...
     N: Spit it out, Ella!
     A: He kind of caught me studying.
     N: Oh. My. God.
     A: Yeah I know.
     N: At least he didn't catch you in your glasses.
     A: Are you saying I look bad in my glasses?
     N: NO! I'm just saying that is he caught you in glasses and studying things wouldn't end well.
     A: Yeah, whatever. I do look pretty dorky in my glasses. But what if he tells someone? My stupid life will be over. Over. O. V. E. R.
     N: Okay, lets think about this. If he tells someone it will spread across the school. you'll be called a nerd and kicked out of the popular club and probably quit the cheer team because of your embarrassment and move to Canada and fake your own death. You'll dye your hair and eyebrows purple and tend a your own funeral as a punk girl named Candace saying you were your second cousin-to-be. Then you'll become an electrician and marry a plumber named Jerry and have twin girls named Mandy and Sandy.
     A: Way to boost my confidence, bro.
     N: Sorry. Wandering mind, you see.
     A: Mm. What do I do?
     N: What can you do?
     A: Oh my god. PLAN PLAN PLAN PLAN PLAN.
     A: I'm feeling devious and mysterious today. You'll see.
     N: I hate you.
     A: I love you too. Gotta go. I need to plan my incredibly master plan.
     I turned off my phone and threw it to the side. There had to be no distractions while I was forming a plan. None whatsoever. I got out a pencil and paper, drawing and planning until I felt like a rock, just sitting there at my desk, staring at my most master plan yet.
     I brushed my teeth, putting in my over-night headgear with difficulty and putting my hair up in a bun. I changed into sweatpants and an old t-shirt and took out my contacts, washing my face and climbing into bed. I rested my head on my pillows, feeling proud and happy with myself.
     Harry will never see it coming.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Wild Ones (A Harry Styles Love Story) Chapter Two

Chapter Two

     "I'm going to the park! Be back in a couple hours!" I yelled threw the house.
     "Kay!" my brother Dallas yelled back. I shut the door to my house, locking it behind me. I had my backpack full of books so I could study, even though I didn't need to, because I was going to the best college in the state in two years. I come to the park when I study because the wind and grass helps me think. Nobody who went to my school lived around here anyway, so, no big deal.
     I sat down on my favorite grass spot right under a tree, my hair blowing softly in the breeze. I got out my books and notebook and started to study about Greek mythology. I had a test for that on Wednesday and-
     "Ariella Thompson. Studying?" a voice said behind me. I whipped around, and a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes was staring into my blue ones.
     "Uh.. n-no.. I-I'm not studying. I.. am.. um..." I stuttered. I was never a good liar. I bit the side of my cheek, shaking.
     "Huh. Well seeing the most popular girl in your school studying in your local park definitely not something you see everyday."
     "You see, I-wait, you live here too?" I said, surprised. He nodded.
     "Right down the street," he answered. I bit my lip.
     "Please. Please don't tell anybody," I begged him.
     "Tell them what? That you've been lying to yourself and them for two years and that you're pretending to be something you're not?" he said roughly, suddenly angry.
     "Exactly," I said, keeping my voice calm and steady. I saw his jaw tighten. "Look. I've been put through a lot of crap in my life and I've worked hard to get where I am. I don't need you ruining that." I looked him dead in the eyes, trying to read his face. I didn't get anything.
     "Who are you, anyway?" I said frustrated. He didn't say anything for the first few seconds, and took to steps closer to me. He was too close. Much too close. But for some odd reason, I kind of liked it.
     "Harry Styles."




P.S. oops I forgot to turn off my caps lock lol and I'm in a good mood today so yeah
how you guys liking Wild Ones? Next chapter will be up tonight or tomorrow.


Christie Cream

(I love calling myself that lol)

Wild Ones (Harry Styles Love Story) Chapter One

Chapter One

What Ariella looks like:               

     I walked into my school, and everyone moved to form a path for my friends and I. Lets just say they were slightly bowing. The entire hall went silent as we walked in. Even the jocks stopped throwing the football, the nerds looked up from their books, and people stopped making out to get a closer look at us.
     We were, the populars. The boy magnets. The cheerleaders. The rich ones. The girls every high school has that everyone was afraid of.
     My name is Ariella Thompson. And what can I say? I was the leader.
     We walked down the hall, my five besties following behind me. There was Carla and Darla Braden, Jodie Hoppe, Harper Farmer, and Ainsley Diemer. We made our way to our lockers which were arranged next to each other, and everyone soon went back to doing what they were doing before the most popular girls in the school walked in. My boyfriend, Noah, walked up to me from behind, sliding his arms around my waist.
     "Hello Beautiful," he murmured in my ear. I smiled, butterflies in my stomach. I turned so I was facing him pulling him in for a kiss. Noah was the head of the football team, and soccer team, and baseball team, and so on. He was like addicted to sports.
     The bell interrupted our kiss. "Later babe," I said, pecking his lips one last time before going to class. Every guy there was staring at me as usual, and Mr. Braden walked in, droning on and on about algebra and I was beyond bored since I secretly knew everything he was talking about. I was probably smarter than the whole nerd population in this school, but I had to pretend that I was dumb for my reputation. So, yeah. Carla and Darla were probably the least smartest kids in the school, but they only got good grades because their dad was the teacher.
     When class was finally over, my best guy friend Niall walked up to me in the hallway.
     "Hey, Ella. Can I have your-"
     "No Niall you can not have my lunch," I said laughing. I knew Niall since kindergarten, and he has been one of my best friends ever since. He pouted, sticking his bottom lip out, begging me. You know me better than this, Niall. I never fall for the puppy face. I rolled my eyes and chuckled, going to my locker.
     "Whatever. I can buy my own lunch," he said being sassy. I rolled my eyes again.
     "Whatever you say, Nialler. Whatever you say."
     "So. Have you met Harry? The new kid?" he asked. I put my book into my locker and got out my Spanish to English dictionary.
     "Nope. Have you?"
     "Yeah. He's... I don't know," he said nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. I sensed the tension in the air hanging between us.
     I raised an eyebrow. "Ooh, bad sign." I leaned against my locker. "What happened?"
     I saw the anger build up in his face. "He's a complete a**! He comes here and acts like he knows everything and like he owns the place!" he yelled. I grabbed his shoulders, trying to get him to calm down. Niall had a short temper, and that wasn't helping right now.
     "Chillax, Niall. Just calm down, lets talk about this. He can't be that bad. I mean, do you know anything about him?" I asked him. Niall's face went blank, and I knew that he didn't. "Maybe you should get to know him better before you judge him," I said. He sighed.
     "You're so good at giving advice, Ella. You're basically telling me to stalk him."
     "I am not."
     "Are too."
     "Am not."
     "Are too."
     "Dammit," I mumbled. I never win a fight with Niall. Oh well.
     I was zoning out in gym when I thought of something.
     But will I ever meet this Harry kid?
     But, more importantly, will he be like Niall said he is?

Monday, August 5, 2013

Okay so for the story One in a Million I should have at least 10 people read the prologue. Just letting yall know.


Christie Cream

Sunday, August 4, 2013

There's this guy name Josh that I think I have a crush on. He's my one of my friend's good friends, and I only see him about three times a year. Now is one of those times. He's been getting me really angry lately because he's threatened to tell my friend a secret that I trusted with him. I don't know what I feel towards him, but I'm really upset about it. I just feel so lonely and this blog is the only source have about my problems. I'm crying right now and I just feel so abandoned and that he hates me and I feel like its my fault and- I'm sorry. I'm just really sorry, Josh. I don't know what to do. I need some help here. You're scaring the life out of me about this secret. You always seem to make me laugh when I'm upset and I almost never see you not smiling or joking around with my friend and I. I'm not okay. I'm anything but okay.


Saturday, August 3, 2013

One In A Million Prologue


     Mermaids. We're not what you think we are. We aren't sweet, and loveable, and beautiful. We're evil, magical, betraying liars. Period.
     Humans see mermaids as people who help you. You may be thinking we are helping you, but the truth is, we are leading you to your death, and you'll never see the light of day again. Ever. Us mermaids like to kill humans. We don't like humans.
     Why? Well, this is what happened...
     Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away- just kidding.
     Legend says, a little girl at the age of ten discovered a mermaid with a broken tail lying on a abandoned beach. She helped the mermaid with her tail, and the mermaid told the girl not to tell anyone. And guess what the girl did? She told everyone. Nobody believed her, of course. She told her father, and he just wanted to make her feel better, so they went mermaid-fishing. Pretty stupid, huh?
     They actually caught a mermaid, believe it or not. They put her into testing. Well, since not all humans are good people, word spread about mermaids. Everyone in the history of the world wasn't supposed to know about them.
     "What?" you're probably asking, "But I thought Disney-" No. Don't even go there.


I finished my dinner when Harry's phone rang. He was in the shower at the moment, and I bit my lip. There were no secrets between Harry and I, but it was his business who called him.

Wasn't it?

That's when I saw caller ID. It was a picture of a blond girl with Harry and they were smiling together. This girl was so much prettier than I would like for her picture to pop up on my boyfriend's phone. The name above her picture was this:

Emily Kitten <3

I stared blankly at his phone. That was my nickname from Harry. Not some girl.

Harry told me he loved me. That he cared about me. Who was Emily and what was she doing on Harry's phone? I threw the rest of my dinner in the sink in anger. He was cheating on me. Harry was cheating on me!

My breath started to become really uneven. I felt tears prick in my eyes as I slid down the wall, breaking out in tears right there on the floor. I pulled my knees to my face and cried into my hands. My heart was breaking harder and harder.

"Babe?" Harry's voice said, startling me. I looked up, getting up from the floor.

"Babe, what happened?" he asked, trying to hug me. Concern was written all over his face.

Yeah, right.

"Emily happened." At that moment everything froze. He was suddenly very angry.

"Macey you were looking at my phone?!" he yelled. Why was he yelling at me?

"There's a thing called caller ID! I should've known this would've happened sooner or later!" I yelled back, tears streaming down my face.

"What's that supposed to mean?!" he fired back defensively.

"You're one of the most famous people in the world right now! You go on world tours! You go to nightclubs and drink yourself blind! You find girls smarter and nicer and prettier and than me, and go with them behind my back! You think I don't know about this? I've seen twitter! Facebook! Instagram! Tumblr! T.V.! Magazines! I didn't believe them because I thought you loved me! I thought you cared!" I screamed. It was silent after that, besides our heavy breathing from yelling. Harry's face was unreadable. Was he surprised? Angry? I couldn't tell.

"I guess not." I choked out the last few words before the tears hit again. I grabbed my purse and walked out the door.

It was pouring rain outside, and when I realized I had locked my keys in my car, it was officially the worst day of my life.

**Four years later**

I found out I was preggers two weeks after Harry and I's fight. I was having identical twin girls, and their turning four in a few days.

You would think I named at least one of them Darcy. I didn't. I named one Arielle which means "Air spirit" in Hebrew and the other Canelle, which is French for "Cinnamon". I love my girls, I'm 28 now.

I was at the park the other day, when I realized it was the park that I met Harry at.


I was, kinda in the tree reading my favorite book. I like climbing trees, okay? Anyways, all of the sudden, the tree started shaking and I, uh, fell on him.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry! Are you okay? That must of really hurt. I'm so sorry-" I stopped talking for a second to look into his eyes and realized that he was the most attractive boys I've ever seen.

"Hi," I breathed, taking in his scent. He seemed equally as mesmerized.

"Hi," he said. All of the sudden we started laughing and I got off him, and it kinda was history from there.


"Mommy?" Arielle said. I bent down and looked at her.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Where's my daddy?" she asked. I was taken aback.

"He's, um... " That's when I saw him. He was standing there, innocently, staring at my girls and I. I took off my sunglasses and stared back. He was here? But why?

"Right over there." Arielle turned in my direction and burst into a smile. She suddenly ran towards him, and Canelle, being her twin sister, did the same.

Harry was surprised at first, then hugged them with all his heart. I could tell. I slowly walked towards them.

"What's your name, girly?" he asked one of them.

"Arielle." she giggled.

"And yours?" he asked the other.

"Canelle!" she said happily. He looked at me, pulling his sunglasses down.

"What about yours?" he asked me. Puh. Lease.

"I think you already know, Styles." I said.

"Hi Macey." I sighed.

"Hi Harry." We stood in silence. Harry barely looked any different than he did four years ago. My chocolate brown hair was longer and darker and pulled up in a pony tail.

"Their mine, aren't they?" he suddenly asked. I nodded.

"I found out two weeks later after the fight." I answered him. He looked me in my blue eyes and set down my girls-no, our girls-and cupped my face with his hand, kissing me. I immediately kissed back, and he licked my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gladly accepted, and let his tongue slide into my mouth. Our tongues danced together, and after making out some more, I decided it was the most passionate kiss we've ever shared.

"Oooooooooohhhhhhhh!!" Canelle squeaked.

"EEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!" Arielle screamed. We pulled back, laughing.

"I'm sorry, Macey. Breaking up with you was the worst mistake I've ever made. Please take me back. I miss you." I sighed. What was I supposed to do?

"Harry, I love you too much to say no. These girls need a daddy, and I can't do this by myself. But it doesn't mean I forgive you all at once. Piece by piece, little by little, and never hurt me like that again," I said. He smiled, kissing each of our girls on the forehead.

"I'll never hurt you again on one condition."

"Whats that?"

"If you marry me."

"I'll marry you on one condition."

"And that is?"

"If you never hurt me again."