Sunday, June 9, 2013

Tell me something. Is there a person in your life that you think hates you, but it's really not all that clear? Is there a person in your life that is mean to you, then nice, then ignores you for a while, then is nice again? If there is, would it be wrong to have a crush on this person? Tell me this. Help me. I'm scared, and I'm lonely, and I've never felt this way about a person. I try to tell myself that he isn't my biggest problem. My mom is starting a new job, I'm moving across the country in July, I have to get really good at this piano piece in just a weeks for camp and I haven't even started yet, and I have one friend(WHO IS LIKE THE BEST FRIEND EVER IN THE HISTORY OF BEST FRIENDS OOPS CAPS LOck). Is he my biggest problem? I feel like I'll never see him again. And it will be a burden, because every time I'm around him, I just freak out and act like a complete loser. HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME HELP ME!!!!!

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