Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Louis Tomlinson Imagine

     Louis passed me in the hallways, not even taking a second of his day to look at me. I knew he hated me, I knew it with everything I had. He ignored me so much it was almost like a reflex, and when he wasn't ignoring me, he was insulting me. I turned and looked at his broad shoulders, swaying back and forth casually. I felt my eyes fill with tears as I slid down my locker, head in my hands.  
     To be honest, my love life wasn't all that bad, if you don't include Louis. I've been cheated on only twice, but I got over it in a month max. Jocks always whistled at me, I was a cheerleader, but sometimes it got annoying. Whatever, I have never really been in love with anyone else but Louis. Sad, right?
     I sobbed into my hands. Why did he have to treat me like this? Why was I in love with him so much? Why can't I just stop? It would be much less painful if you just cut my heart out of my chest.
     "Hey, Courtney? What's wrong?" My best friend, Olivia, rushed over to my side, sitting down next to me.
     "What did I do for him to hate me so much? It's so painful, Livvy," I cried. Olivia was the only one who knew about my love for Louis. She sighed, putting her arm around me and rubbing circles in my back.
     "He's such an idiot, Courtney. You shouldn't cry over him," she comforted me. I continued to sob into my hands.
     "I wish he would just - I don't know. I just don't know anymore." I sobbed. She sighed again, wiping away my tears.
      "I'm gonna go talk to him," she said angrily, and before I could stop her, she got up and ran after Louis. I was suddenly wide awake, and I ran after her, hoping she wouldn't do this. I couldn't have Louis finding out what I felt. It was pointless; he would never in a million years feel the same. It wasn't worth embarrassing myself. 
     "Louis Tomlinson!!" Livvy yelled. He turned in confusion and saw her storming angrily towards him.
     "Yes??" he said obnoxiously. I ran up behind Olivia, covering her mouth with my hand as fast as I could. I jumped in front of her and gave Louis a nervous smile.
     "Nothing, nothing... um, go back to uh..." I stuttered stupidly. He coldly laughed.
     "Ignoring you?" he answered me, snarling, "Gladly." And he turned and waltzed away like he owned the world. It was so hoottttt.
     "What the hell, Olivia!!" I screamed at her as soon as it looked like Louis was out of earshot. "What were you going to tell him?!"
     "To stop being mean to you! Or, something similar to that, I guess..." her voice trailed off, then she looked me in the eyes and continued. "Look, he means everything to you. He, like, completes you or whatever. But, Courtney, you don't mean anything to him!! I hate to say it, but you've been fighting the truth for this long, and it's not healthy-"
     "You know whats not healthy?! This entire situation! I'm in love with him Olivia! I can't help that, okay?! I've tried everything to get him to notice me for five years, I've cried myself to sleep every single night because I know, I know I mean nothing to him, I know it with everything I have and I don't know what I possibly did for him to hate me! He is my everything, okay? I admit it! But guess what? I'm nothing to him! And obviously, that's old news! Thats not healthy!" Tears were streaming down my face as I turned around in anger and sadness, bumping into the person I least wanted to see right now.
     "No," I kept muttering.
     "Did - did you really - mean that?!" Louis stuttered. This was the first time I heard him stutter. He always acted to confident, so carefree, all the time. Well, except now.

     "Um... uh... you see... Oh, this is hopeless. You hate me, you heard all that, call me an idiot. Yes I did mean that, I've meant it for five years. Happy now, Louis?" I sighed, turning and walking away from him, trying my best not to cry my eyes out. 
     "Wait, Courtney!" I heard him yell after me. I didn't turn, but I felt him force me to. I opened my eyes to see his face, concern written all over it. 
     For a second, I thought I felt another pair of lips on mine. My eyes went wide, and I focused on what was happening to me.
     I immediately kissed back. He pulled away after a few seconds.
     "I love you too. I always have. I didn't know how to express my feelings, so I was mean to you, and I'm sorry. Please forgive me, Courtney." He whispered. I was shocked.
     "I forgive you." I whispered. He took me in his arms, and I dug my head into the crook of his warm neck.
     "Will you be my girlfriend, Courtney?" He whispered. I smiled, then happily agreed.

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