Saturday, September 7, 2013

Austin Mahone Imagine for Alison

A/N I hope you like it! I don't know much about him, but I tried! Really tried!

     Austin Mahone was my best friend. He always has been, ever since we were in diapers. Yes, the Austin Mahone. He's the greatest friend ever, always there for me when I need him.
     The only problem is... I've had a crush on him forever. I loved his personality, his dark hair, his brown eyes... I just love everything about him. But he has a girlfriend, Sophie. That's the problem.
     And let me tell you, I was absolutely SICK OUT OF MY MIND of Sophie. I saw her cheating on Austin with the head of the football team. I tried telling Austin, but he didn't believe me.
     I was watching Finding Nemo when my doorbell rang. He was in my doorway, looking so beautiful as always-with tears in his eyes? Oh boy.
     "Austin! Oh my gosh, what happened?" He hugged me, unable to speak as he cried in my shoulder. I brought him inside, and made him a warm tea. He still wasn't able to speak, so we just sat there, hugging, as he cried in my shoulder. It broke my heart seeing him like this, because he was so important to me, and I hated seeing him cry. It was the worst sight in the world... seeing someone you love so upset and heartbroken.
     "Do you want to talk about it?" He shook his head, sipping his tea. "You wanna sleep here tonight?" I asked him. He nodded. I had a dreadful feeling this was about Sophie, but I didn't say anything. I put some warm blankets and pillows on the couch when he said, in a cracked voice, "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I was taken aback, but welcome him into my room with the warmest smile I could scrape up.
     Once we climbed into my bed, I was surprised again when he wrapped his warm arms around me, and started to cry himself to sleep. I cried with him, because seeing him like this was absolutely heartbreaking.
*the next morning*

     I opened my eyes to see Austin's angelic face sleeping, tears staining his cheeks. I smiled up at him, until I remembered what happened last night where he was crying so hard he could barely speak, and the smile dropped. I somehow wiggled out of his grip without waking him and walked into the kitchen to make him breakfast. I threw my hair up in a messy ponytail and made him eggs, pancakes, and bacon. I knew he loved my cooking, and it was the first thing I could think of. I set some orange juice on a tray along with the food and brought it to him, and he was still in bed, but flipping through my channels.
     "I made you breakfast." His head turned to me, and he managed a small smile. I smiled back, setting the tray of food on his lap. We ate together in silence and watched the third Harry Potter movie.
     "Do you want to talk about it?" I asked again. Was I being too clingy? I probably was. I shouldn't be bombing him with questions. To my surprise, he nodded.
     "I walked in my apartment," he started, "and Sophie was making out with some guy on the couch," he said quietly. I pulled him into a hug.
     "Oh, Austin... she's such a bitch. I'm so sorry. You should just forget about her, she's not worth it," I said in his ear. He nodded, then pulled back.
     "Can you keep a secret Alison?" he said. I nodded, and he took his warm hands in mine, my stomach doing back flips across the room.
     "You're my best friend, right?" I nodded. The next thing that happened shocked me so much I nearly passed out.
     O. M. F. G. Austin was kissing me. Our lips moved in perfect sync, and he pulled back a little to whisper against my lips...
     "I'm in love with my best friend, should I tell her?"

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