Thursday, April 11, 2013

     Have you ever wondered why somebody does this, or why somebody does that? Well, I feel that way sometimes. Did you ever have a person in your life that hates you for no reason? Hates you, when you did nothing to them, hates you, when they barely even know you? That's the way for me. There is this boy at my school, and he hates me so much, and he barely knows me. He never hung out with me, knew my grades, or my friends, or my actions. Just plain hates me!! And he talks about me behind my back, the worst things people have ever said to me. And it hurts more, because he does it behind my back, doesn't have the guts to say it to my face.
     I don't know what to do, because honestly, I sorta like him. Yes, that way. I liked him before he started talking about me, and the problem is, I still do. Well, not quite, I think I do. I have never been this confused in my life. I hate Tuesdays and Thursdays, because I have a music class with him, and I always feel like I'm punched in the stomach when I think of him or having to face music class.
     I'm not sure if the punch is me being frightened he is going to insult me to my face(For the first time), or if I like him. I can never tell him off, because every time I try I chicken out, or have to do something else, or just plain don't want to. I usually do this kind of thing, I admit it, and I really wish I didn't, but I can't shake off this feeling that I have. If you have any advice, PLEASE TELL ME. I really need to try and work out this situation, but I just don't know how. I don't really think he knows how painful his words are to me. Thanks guys, I would really appreciate you helping me out.
     By the way, I take advice, criticism, connections, whatever.

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