Monday, May 27, 2013

Harry Styles Imagine for Kelsey: Fall For You

Okay, lets pretend that Taylor and Harry never broke up. They stayed together until she was 30 and he was 26. Thank you!!

                                                                      (Kelsey then)

I couldn't find a (Kelsey now) picture, so just pretend that its this girl but a little bit older. Thank you!! >3

Six years ago... 
     "Look, Kelsey. I can't do this anymore. I can't lie to you anymore!!" Harry said angrily. I felt my heart stop.
     "Harry, what the hell are you talking about?" I questioned him, confused.
     "I'm cheating on you with Taylor Swift." He choked out. I felt a tear run down my cheek and I shook my head in disbelief. 
     "No..." I whispered. He looked out the window. "Tell me that you're not serious, Harry." He sighed in frustration. I covered my face with my hands to shield my running make up. 
     "I'm serious." These words built me up with anger and sadness. 
     "How could you do this?!" I screamed.
     "I was an idiot for going after you, okay??!! You don't know how different you two are!!" he yelled. I closed my eyes and counted to ten. I wasn't going to yell anymore, it wasn't worth it. 
     "Look, Harry. I'm sorry I couldn't be the girl you've always wanted. So, if Taylor is that girl, then I don't want to stand in the way of it. Go to her. I hope she's worth everything that we've been through. I hope she's worth this." I said, trying to be calm but miserable tears streaming down my face. He looked at me hardly as I grabbed my suitcase, stuffed as much as I could in there, and walked out the door. 
     I couldn't call my best friend Liam. I didn't think he still cared about me anymore either. I didn't have anyone to call or stay with; I didn't have any friends besides the band. Everywhere I go people would hate on me or give me dirty looks. To add to my miserable day, it was pouring outside. So I just stood in the rain crying, hoping Harry would come run through his front door, kiss me, say he's sorry and that he loves me.
     He never did.

     Its been six years since Harry and I's fight. I can't seem to escape him. 
     Everywhere I look I see his wonderful smile, with all my best friends on the cover of a magazine or something. I feel a tinge of pain and sadness every time I see him. Okay, okay, not a tinge. Lets put it this way: I completely break down and start crying. But he's forgotten me. Completely forgotten me, and I don't blame him. I'm not exactly the person you would remember. I've always been a quiet, lonely girl who just fades into the background. Nobody talks to me, doesn't even bother to remember my name. I didn't even get bullied a lot, I was that shy and unnoticed. I was never popular, or did I get all the guys. I didn't have a boyfriend except Harry since my dad died when I was eighteen. It seemed hard to hang around them without thinking of him.
     I met Harry when I was seventeen. It was kind of unusual how we met. I lived Nashville, Tennessee, and my dad owned a radio station. My dad invited me to come to work with him, so I did, and it turns out that One Direction was recording that day. I didn't really listen to their music very often, so I wasn't really a fan. I played guitar and piano and I sang. I was wandering around when I came across a recording room, so I checked the hallways and shut the door. I started to sing and play the piano an original song about being alone, then right in the middle of the song I heard someone sneeze. I froze, then realized I forgot to lock the door. The whole band was there, I didn't know how long they were standing there, but they heard me, and that's what mattered. 
     Harry asked for my number, and we dated for two whole years. I moved in with him in the beginning of the first year when my dad died. Yeah, we've gotten-cough-serious, before, but I never got pregnant, thank the lord.  
     After our fight I bought a house in New Jersey. My hair is a darker chocolate but still has some blond highlights to it and a few inches longer, but my eyes have stayed the same. That same unusual color you get when you mix blue and gray. I'm a little taller, but skinnier. I live alone, and I'm an author. I've written a book about Harry and I, but with different names, but same story. Same memories. It's called Faded by Kelsey Harvey, and it won two Newberry awards. I don't think it's all that great, though. 
     I've tried dating after Harry broke up with me, but it never worked out. None of them were like Harry. None of them had those green eyes, or that angelic voice, or that perfect, dimply smile. Oh how I loved those dimples. They would just say I was too shy and anti-social(I'm not kidding, they actually said that) and then they would just leave. They just leave. Just like Harry did. 
     It's been a little more than six years, now that I think of it. Last month was the anniversary of one of the worst days of my life. It's been really tough since he broke with me; well, for me, anyways. I thought he was doing perfectly fine with Taylor. That's right. Thought.   
     The thing that surprised me the most was because a) Harry broke up with her last month, b) right before Taylor figured out she was pregnant and c) Because he broke up with her on our six-year fight anniversary. 
     Did I think I was going to meet him again in person? No.
     Is that why what happened on Saturday surprised me? Hell yes.
     It was my birthday last Saturday. On my birthday, I always wake up before the sun rises so I could see the sun rise, so I'm walking to the park at 4:3o in the morning, trying to stay awake. When I was walking there I decided to be an idiot and just to close my eyes for a second and keep walking, because there was no one to run into since it was 4:30 am.  
     No one to run into? Pfft. Bullshit. 
     "Woah!! Oh my birthday cake I'm so sorry!!" I gushed. I always said Oh my birthday cake when something like this happens, and its ironic, because it's my birthday. 
     "No, Its my fault-" the voice stopped me dead in my tracks. I knew that voice. That voice I haven't heard in six years. "Wait-Kels?" I looked at him, and even in the dark, I could see those green eyes that gives me butterflies every time I look into them. The bright sun started to rise above the horizon, making me see him clearer. He was taller, his shoulders were broader, but his hair and eyes were the same. 
     "Harry-" then he did something I was not expecting. He crashed his lips onto mine, holding my waist. I wanted to pull back, but I also didn't want to more than I wanted to. I missed it when he kissed me. I held onto his neck with both hands and he pulled me closer. An enormous spark went off in my head as our lips moved in sync. Then he pulled away.
      "I miss that. I'm so sorry, Kelsey." He whispered as a tear dropped out of his eyes. I wiped it away.
      "I miss it too." I whispered truthfully, a tear coming out of my eyes now.
      "Please forgive me." He begged. I looked at my feet.
      "I don't know, Harry. You really hurt me." I said truthfully. 
      "I'm so sorry though. I left you in the rain and cheated on you. I know I haven't spoken to you in six years, but I missed hearing your comforting voice. Last month, the day before I broke up with Taylor Swift, I woke up that day and realized how much I cared about you. I googled your name and I came across a book. It was called Faded by Kelsey Harvey, and at first I thought it couldn't be you. Then I remembered you telling me that you always wanted to be a writer. So I went to the bookstore down the street and bought the book, and I stayed up all night reading it. I had to clarify if it was you or not, so I looked up the book and it showed an interview of you talking about the book. You said that you wrote it about something that actually happened to you. So, Kelsey, I broke up with Taylor Swift for you, please take me back. I'm in love with you." He cried. I was shocked about what he just told me. He's in love with me? And I was in love with him... after all these years. Wait-he read it? When I was writing it I didn't think he'd end up actually reading it. When I didn't answer he started singing my favorite song, Fall For You by Secondhand Serenade.
"So hold your breath
Because tonight will be the night
That I will fall for you over again
Don't make me change my mind
Or I won't live to see another day
I swear its true
Cause a girl like you is impossible to find
You're impossible to find"
     I started to cry again and pulled him into a tight hug. His voice got me every singe goddamn time. How was I supposed to reject him after he just sang to me, kissed me, broke up with his girlfriend for me, and just told me he loved me?
     "I forgive you." I whispered. 
     "Happy Birthday, by the way." He whispered to me, pulling back. I looked him in the eyes.
     "After all this time you still remembered my birthday?" I asked him, smiling and flattered.
     "Actually, it was on Wikipedia." I laughed. He kissed me again as the sun rose up into the sky, and I felt like it was shining just on us. Like it rose, just for us. 


Friday, May 24, 2013

Hey, people!! I've been writing a lot of stories lately, and I had made a decision. Out of my kindness and creativity, I had decided that I can also write imagines and stories. So, just leave me a message if you like my stuff and put your name, the guy, and the situation. The situation is optional, so you could just let me take over that.

I don't often do smut, so that is out of the picture. My parents will probably kill me, but maybe not. They might be suspicious on how I know all this stuff; to be honest I'm not quite sure how they would react. So, they might let me off the hook, I don't know. Just leave me a message and your storie/imagine  will be up in just a few days!! :) Bye-bye now!!